Yogurt Paint

Monday, April 27, 2020
We accidentally ordered way too much yogurt the other week with our grocery delivery and I knew there was no way we could finish it all. I started thinking of ways we could use it before it expired and came up with this!⠀
Now don’t say I didn’t warn you....I’m telling you now that this activity is a MESS!!⠀
But if I haven’t scared you off yet, my kids had so much fun! The clean up was relatively easy too, so it’s an activity we will definitely do again! ⠀
💜Scoop some yogurt into different cups. Put just a couple drops of food coloring (I used a plant based one) in each cup and stir until the color mixes throughout the entire cup. ⠀
Put a big piece of paper outside (definitely outside😉) with the cups of yogurt paint and some paint brushes. Let your kids go wild! ⠀
This turned into Austin scooping handfuls of yogurt with his hands, eating some, finger painting with some, and some somehow ending up crusted in his hair.🤦🏼‍♀️ Brooklyn didn’t believe me that it was edible. She kept telling me I was wrong and that it was paint. Haha. So at least I only had to clean off one of my kids🤣⠀
When they finished, I threw the big piece of paper with yogurt away and hosed down the mess! ⠀

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🖤Am I crazy or would you let your kids try this?! 

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