Thank You Cards

Thursday, April 2, 2020
I keep thinking about the selfless people that put themselves at risk each day to continue to fight the Coronavirus. Doctors, nurses, and so many other working professionals have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much. I wanted to do something with the kids today to let some of these people know how much we really recognize and appreciate what they are doing. Hopefully this very small gesture brings a smile to someone’s face during this hard time. 💜

I let the kids paint 8 pieces of cardstock white paper outside. I used painters tape to tape the papers down to flat pieces of cardboard boxes and gave them both their own paint set. I filled water in an ice tray (this is a game changer). The kids had a blast. After they dried I cut each paper into 4 pieces. On the back of each one we wrote a little thank you note to health care workers for our local hospital. My husband wrote some, I wrote some, and Austin dictated some for us to write. He got really into it which was sweet and had so many ideas of what he wanted to say to thank them all. He can’t wait to send them off in the mail tomorrow!


I’m very passionate about teaching compassion to my children. I truly believe teaching compassion is more important than teaching the content. Children learn compassion by watching others be compassionate. Before we painted, we talked about how doctors and nurses and other professionals are working really hard to help sick people. We talked about how they might be feeling at work right now and how they would feel if they got a thank you card in the mail. I told them I was thinking it would be nice to show our appreciation to the workers at the hospital and they loved the idea. We discussed different ideas of things we could do and came up with painting thank you cards. I will also add that my son wrote his name 20+ times fully engaged and focused. Good name writing practice too👌🏻

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