Welcome to Stay at Home Activity Mom!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Hi and thanks for reading!

I'm Brittany, an elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom to a 5 year old boy and 2.5 year old girl.  Ever since I left my teaching job when my son was born prematurely 5 years ago, I've had an itch to somehow still inspire and help children.

When quarantining began last month, I kept thinking of how I could help. Using my degree in child development and my experience as an elementary school teacher, I thought maybe I could help another mom/dad/caregiver who might need some inspiration at this time!

When my premature son came home from the NICU on oxygen 5 years ago, I was basically quarantined in my house with him for about a year and again the next RSV season. I spent a lot of time finding and creating age-appropriate activities for him at home. That's really where my love of creating at home activities first began. This continued well beyond our time stuck at home and I find myself creating play-based learning activities all the time! I guess that's the teacher in me :)

I hope you enjoy these fun activities as much as we do!

Thanks so much for being part of this new community! It really means the world to me!

xo Brittany

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