Cheerio Addition

Thursday, April 2, 2020
 Get some paper, cheerios, and a pen. If you want to do the extension part of it like I did, also get some post-its. Draw one box, a plus sign, another box, an equal sign, and another box. Put some cheerios in a bowl and you’re ready to go! 

While I cleaned up breakfast I gave Austin some simple addition problems and he used Cheerios as manipulatives to help solve the problem.

 If you want to do the extension part of it, write numbers 1-19 on 19 different post-its and have your kid put the correct post-it under the boxes. Just remember if you do it this way, you can’t have two of the same number in the addition sentence (ex: no 4+4 because I only made one 4 post it). See my story for a video of this in action! 

Bonus Activity

Let your child create their own addition number sentences. 

Bonus Activity 2

Put cheerios in the first box and the last box and have your child see if they can figure out the missing addend (ex: 2 + __ =5) 


Math manipulatives help strengthen your child’s math skills. Studies have been shown that young kids who use math manipulatives consistently score higher on assessments. Students learn by doing and counting with actual objects is way more fun than paper and pencil.

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