Cup Bridges

Thursday, April 23, 2020
Cup Bridges

Sometimes the simplest activities are the most powerful! ⠀

💜I put out popsicle sticks, cups, and little animal figurines in hopes that my kids would play nicely for long enough that I could fold some laundry. I gave them no instructions, just the supplies. ⠀

They played for SO LONG. Like really, really played! I love when I get to see their little minds at work. I mean, look at Brooklyn🤣 She can be hard to please and she was so into it!⠀
It was such a success that I kept the stuff out for round 2 today! ⠀
I named this “cup bridges” because the majority of their play was centered around creating bridges for the animals, but just put the supplies out and see what your child does! ⠀

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🖤Why? ⠀
Open ended play (so important!)⠀
Encourages creativity ⠀
Fine motor practice ⠀

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