Toy Story Tower

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Toy Story Tower!

After seeing the positive response to our activity "Cup Bridges," I've been thinking of other ways to incorporate everyday items everyone probably already has into our play and learning. Introducing Toy Story Tower!

If you know my son at all, you know his love for Toy Story runs deep. One of his very first words was "Buzz" (I'm not kidding). 

I told him to go gather some of his Toy Story figurines (ones that can stand up) for this "challenge". 

-a few pieces of cardstock paper 
-small figures (obviously doesn't have to be Toy Story)

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Create challenges for your child using the 3 items and watch your little one(s) problem solve. 


1. Can you make a 3 story tower?
2. Can you make a tower that holds 5 figures?
3. Can you make a tower using all the supplies I gave you?
4. Can you make a tower that can hold 2 figures on each level?

After the challenges, both my kids spent so much time building things with the cups and the paper. It was so simple and fun!


1. Simple activities are so powerful. You don't need a lot to have fun and learn.
2. This activity is a STEM/STEAM activity. It encourages your child to problem solve and it's project based.  I love that these challenges are open-ended and there's more than one "right" answer. 

What characters would your kids like to build with? I'm thinking we will have to do a Frozen one next...

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 I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. 

Make sure to follow me on INSTAGRAM for more activities!

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