Pom Pom Subtraction

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
On an old oatmeal box lid (are they called boxes?!), cut out ten small holes that are a little smaller than the pom poms you will use. Put the lid on, grab 10 pom poms and you’re ready to go! ⠀

I called out a number between 1-10, they counted that many pom poms and put them on the lid on top of the holes I so beautifully🤣 cut out with scissors. I then said a subtraction problem that started with that number out loud and my kids had to push that many pom poms down to solve! ⠀

Ex: I told them to put 8 pom poms on the lid. Then I said “figure out what 8 minus 3 is”. They would poke 3 pom poms down the holes and count how many pom poms were still on the lid! ⠀

This worked perfectly for both kids. For my two year old, she was able to work on counting and her fine motor skills. My son was able to practice this in addition to subtraction. ⠀


Fine motor ☑️⠀
Math ☑️⠀
Entertained kids while I prepped lunch ☑️

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