Favorite Books About Being Kind

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lately we’ve been focusing a lot of our reading on books about being kind. My kids currently are needing extra gentle reminders about this in our house. I’m sure it partially has to do with everything going on in the world right now and all the changes they are dealing with. ⠀

Here are a few of my favorite books with GREAT lessons about kindness and empathy. 
1. The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade⠀

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2. I Walk with Vanessa ⠀

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3. We are (not) Friends⠀

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4. Strictly no Elephants ⠀

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5. Big Friends⠀

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6. The Snail and the Whale⠀

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7. This is Our House 

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8. Hey, Little Ant ⠀

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9. A Sick Day for Amos McGee ⠀

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10. Have you Filled a Bucket Today? ⠀

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💜Why? ⠀
Books are powerful tools for teaching. Also, how wonderful would it be if everyone was kind?💗⠀
Do you have a favorite book in our house to help teach kindness? Share with me! ⠀

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