"Make a 10" is one of my favorite popsicle making learning activities and I did this activity with the kids this past week to kick off our popsicle making season!
For this activity, I let the kids cut strawberries into small pieces using kid-safe knives (you could also cut them yourself prior to the activity). I also put out blueberries. You can use whatever fruit pieces you would like to add to the popsicles as long as you have at least two different types of fruit.
In the popsicle molds, have your child "make a 10" by adding whatever fruit they choose until there's 10 pieces of fruit in each mold. While they are working, talk about the math addition sentences they are creating.
Austin wanted to do one with all blueberries. As he counted 10 blueberries and put them in the molds, we said "10 blueberries + 0 strawberries= 10 pieces of fruit".
For another popsicle he chose 5 blueberries and 5 strawberries "5 blueberries +5 strawberries =10. When we were done we talked about all the different combinations we did using the blueberries and strawberries to "make a 10".
Here are affiliated links to the kid safe knives we use and similar popsicle molds to the ones we have!
Austin wanted to do one with all blueberries. As he counted 10 blueberries and put them in the molds, we said "10 blueberries + 0 strawberries= 10 pieces of fruit".
For another popsicle he chose 5 blueberries and 5 strawberries "5 blueberries +5 strawberries =10. When we were done we talked about all the different combinations we did using the blueberries and strawberries to "make a 10".
Here are affiliated links to the kid safe knives we use and similar popsicle molds to the ones we have!
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This simple activity helps teach number sense by visually showing your child how the number 10 can be created and broken down in different ways. Number sense is your child's understanding and ability to use and work with numbers and is an important foundational skill needed to succeed in math.
If you don't have popsicle molds, you could always just do this activity with pieces of food too!
Below is our popsicle "recipe" if you're interested, however I don't do any measurements and just wing it every time. I'm sure there's tons of other recipes out there that are far better than ours, so you might want to use this activity with your own popsicle recipe! My family absolutely loves this simple recipe though so it's our go-to!

sparkling water or coconut water
maple syrup
lime or lemon juice
an assortment of cut up berries (blueberries don't need to be cut)
After putting 10 pieces of fruit in each popsicle mold, pour sparkling water or coconut water 3/4 the way full. Add a splash of lemon or lime juice and a splash of maple syrup (or more depending on how sweet you want them) and stir before putting the top on and putting in the freezer. Once frozen, enjoy!
What do you all do when it gets unbearably hot?!
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