Cling Magnets
I've mentioned before that our @picassotiles are hands down our favorite and most used toy in our house. I don't even need to create activities for the kids to get them to spend time building, playing and learning with them. But, I love creating new and inviting ways for my kids to play so I'm always trying to think of different ways to use the magnets!
Lately I've been seeing activities where kids paint and draw on plastic wrap. This gave me the idea to try magnets on the wrap with the kids. It was tons of fun and easy to set up!
I flipped over a small kids table (you could also use a chair), and wrapped plastic wrap around the legs of it. I handed Austin and Brooklyn the magnets and let them play and create!

While they played, I did some shape recognition with Brooklyn. I would tell her a shape and she would look in the bin of magnets and find 2 of that shape to put on the wrap. Brooklyn also began to learn some magnetic principles as she realized one magnet wouldn't stay on the plastic wrap without another one behind it. Austin created a rainbow, made patterns, and just explored how else he could play and build using the plastic wrap.
Here's an affiliate link to one set that we have.
Here's an affiliate link to one set that we have.
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