Dancing Fruit

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

🍇Dancing Fruit🍇 ⠀
My kids were super clingy yesterday. Even Miss Brooklyn who’s normally so independent was asking me to hold her and hug her all day long. I’m not complaining at all about the cuddles 🥰, but it was almost impossible to get anything done all day! ⠀
When it came time for me to unload the dishwasher and make lunch, I knew I needed to set up a quick activity for the kids to keep them busy and happy. ⠀
🍇I grabbed a clear vase and filled it with sparkling water. I put out a bowl of blueberries and grapes and asked the kids what they thought would happen when they dropped each type of fruit in. Brooklyn was too busy shoving her face with blueberries to respond and Austin thought they would change colors 😆. For the next 15 minutes they both dropped the fruit one at a time into the water, watched and made observations, squealed with delight, and repeated over and over. ⠀
The blueberries would initially drop down in the water then float back up, and then would randomly “dance” around the vase. The majority of the grapes would sink to the bottom, but a few of the grapes did eventually float back up and move around too. ⠀
💜 I’m going to be honest and admit I didn’t get that into the science behind this. Density and buoyancy are both at play in this experiment. When the fruit initially drops in the water, it’s because the fruit is denser than the liquid. What I did tell my kids was the carbon dioxide bubbles being released from the sparkling water were what caused the fruits to “dance”. The kids loved to watch the little bubbles kind of attach to the fruit right before the fruit would rise back up. ⠀
I got the idea for this from @funlearningforkids who did this experiment with raisins! ⠀
💜There’s so much learning that could be done around this experiment, but for yesterday’s sake we kept it pretty simple, and I was able to unload the dishwasher and make lunch without complaints🙌🏻 ⠀
💜 Make sure to swipe through to see a video of the dancing fruit! Now go fill a vase with sparkling water (or any clear soda) and have your kids experiment with different fruits! Let me know if you try it! ⠀

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