This little art activity seriously kept both my kids entertained for 30 minutes straight and the clean up took less than a minute 🙌🏻 ⠀
💜I cut a big piece of butcher paper and taped it with painters tape to the wall. You could easily do this activity at a table if you prefer. I found a printable rainbow coloring page online for Brooklyn and I drew a flower coloring page for Austin. I used a glue stick and glued the coloring pages on the butcher paper. Then I cut two pieces of contact paper that were both a tiny bit bigger than the coloring pages. I put the contact paper sticky side up over the coloring pages and taped them down with scotch tape on the sides. You could also use clear packaging tape if you don’t have contact paper. I gathered some pom poms and let my kids “color” by pressing the pom poms onto the contact paper. ⠀
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It was nice to do a “mess free” (minus the pom pom clean up) art project, it was great fine motor practice, and most importantly, they had SO MUCH FUN! 🎉After Austin finished his flower, he took all the pom poms down and started over again! The second time around was a little bit harder because the paper wasn’t as sticky, but it still worked if he pressed hard! It ended with them throwing pom poms from a few feet away (which was totally their idea and so creative), giving me another pom pom activity idea that I’m going to try soon! ⠀
Head over to my instagram to see other easy activities for kids!
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