Magic Missing Letters

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ever since introducing Austin (5) to the crayon resist activity "Magic Addition" last month, he's been asking me to create more of them. It's crazy how fun incorporating a white crayon and water color paint can make things!

I grabbed some paper, drew the easiest things I could think of (my drawing skills are ____ ), wrote the word next to it in sharpie but left out the first letter, and wrote that letter with a white crayon. Austin would say the missing letter aloud then paint over it with water color paint to see if the "magic  missing letter" was right! He loved it so much that I spent the next 10 minutes creating a 3rd, 4th, and 5th page for him to do (his request). 

These were commonly asked questions/answers from my last crayon resist post last month:

1.  Yes, it has to be water color paints (the darker colors work better in my opinion).
2. Yes, it has to be a white crayon. A white marker will not work. 
3. I have always used Crayola crayons and have never had a problem. I write everything by pressing hard and going over it again a second time. 

What type of crayon resist activity will you make?

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