Dino Sensory Bin

Monday, May 4, 2020
Dinosaurs, water and rice. I'm loving this combination!

It took less than 5 minutes to set up and it kept my kids busy playing on and off all afternoon when they were outside! 

Here's what you need:
-A plastic storage bin
-rice (mine was dyed green, but that's optional)
-rocks of different sizes (I picked some from our backyard)
-water (you could add a drop of green food dye if you want)
-little dinosaur toy figures
-small bowls/scoopers (optional)

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Here's what to do:
Pour rice in an empty storage bin. I started with all the rice on one side. Add a little bit of water (so that some of the rice is not fully submerged on the side), some rocks of different sizes, little dinosaur toys, and 1-2 small bowls or scoopers.

I also put a second storage bin with just water right next to it but that's optional too! I just knew my kids would want to clean off their Dinos and their own hands when they got rice all over them. 

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