dot the letter

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Is your little one working on letter recognition? ⠀
Brooklyn(2.5) is really into letters right now. I originally made this activity for her because she always asks, “what’s that?” at a letter she doesn’t know. ⠀
When I introduced the activity to her today and showed her a letter H, she told me, “No Mom, it’s an R!” and ran away. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her personality seriously cracks me up.  ⠀
Austin (5) ended up doing the activity instead. He thought it was fun but finished in 10 seconds and asked where the next one was haha. ⠀
💜Get a piece of paper, a marker and a @doadotart marker. 

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Decide what letter you want to focus on and write a bunch of them on paper. Write lots of other letters too. Have your child use the doadot marker to dot the letter (over and over)! ⠀

🖤If I were originally making this for Austin, I would make it on a big sheet of butcher paper and have a lot more letters to dot! Is this an activity you think you would try?

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