I love this activity to help your child or student learn to write their name or practice spelling words. It's really engaging and easy to set up, and below are links to everything you need!
Roll and Write Supply List:
Roll and Write Supply List:
2 pieces of paper
one die
letter stamp set
pipe cleaner
letter beads
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On the first paper, write out the rules (1-Crayon, 2- paint, 3- stamp, 4-marker, 5- bracelet, 6- rainbow colors). I also put a little box next to the rules for Austin to check off as he finished. On the second paper, write six lines for your child to write on.
Have your child roll the die then write or create their name (or whatever word they are working on) using the directions from paper 1. Once they complete that number they can check it off and roll again. If they roll the same number again, they continue rolling until they get a number they haven't gotten yet.
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