qtip erase and DIY white board

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


-white paper
-clear packaging tape

Take a piece of cardboard and cut to your desired size. Cover the cardboard with white paper and use clear packaging tape to tape the white paper down. Make sure the tape is covering the entire thing. The tape part is the part that makes it work like a white board! Use dry erase markers to color on top and it will easily erase with your finger, tissue, etc! To thoroughly clean the white board, use a baby wipe before storing it for future use!

Check out my instagram account to see a video tutorial under story highlights under "simple play". 


-DIY white board or regular white board
-dry erase marker

Write numbers on the whiteboard (you could also do letters, shapes, sight words, etc.) Hand your child a qtip and the board and call out things for them to eras using the qtip. It sounds so simple (because it is), but there's something about a kid and a white board that makes learning magical! 

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